Saturday, November 7, 2009

Blogging software for Mac

I used to use Windows Live Writer in the old days but now I'm a trendy Mac user I need something suitable.  Seems like there are a number of paid options that people rate quite highly but I'm too cheap to pay for software.

I just tried Quamana and it looked promising.  Unfortunately it kept throwing errors, didn't download tags from Blogger and then failed to actually publish the post!

I'm now trying Flock which is a full featured browser built on the same stuff as Firefox, that happens to have a blog editor built in.  I don't think it's as clean as Live Writer, but appears to have enough functionality for my basic use.

MacBook Pro AirPort autoconnect

We just installed a new wireless router with WPA security (with the last one we were using WEP).  My MacBook Pro connected just fine first time.  The problem was that whenever I close the lid and reopen, the Airport would not automatically connect, it would ask me which network to connect to.

The surprising solution was to move /Applications/Utilities/System into /Applications/System

Now AirPort reconnects all by itself every time.