Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cucumber scenarios need a title

So I'm playing with Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and Ruby on Rails using Cucumber and Webrat. I thought I'd start with the simplest feature I could think of, "I want to see the application name in the title". So, off we go with features/site_layout.feature:
Feature: Site Layout
  In order to build familiarity
  As a user
  I want to see the application name in the title

    Given I am on the home page
    Then the title tag should be "WOW App"
I create features/steps/site_steps.rb:
Given /^I am on (.*)$/ do |page|
  visits case page
         when "the home page"
           raise "Can't find mapping from \"#{page}\" to a path"

Then /^the (.*) tag should be "(.*)"$/ do |tag, content|
  response.should have_tag(tag, content)
And run it with "rake features". What I get is:
C:\dev\temp>rake features
(in C:/dev/temp)
Feature: Site Layout  # features/site_layout.feature
  In order to build familiarity
  As a user
  I want to see the application name in the title
  Scenario: Given I am on the home page     # features/site_layout.feature:6
    Then the title tag should be "WOW App"  # features/steps/site_steps.rb:10
      You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
      The error occurred while evaluating nil.content_type (NoMethodError)
      ./features/steps/site_steps.rb:11:in `Then /^the (.*) tag should be "(.*)"$/'
      features/site_layout.feature:8:in `Then the title tag should be "WOW App"'

1 steps failed
rake aborted!
Not quite what I had in mind, I was expecting a failure, but got an error. Nevermind, this is all very new to me, so I'll push on and it'll all become clear right? I create an app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>WOW App</title>
Run the feature again ... no joy, same error. Hours of web searching leads me nowhere. Finally while looking at some examples I noticed that my Scenario doesn't have a description, so I add one on line 6:
Feature: Site Layout
  In order to build familiarity
  As a user
  I want to see the application name in the title

  Scenario: On the home page
    Given I am on the home page
    Then the title tag should be "WOW App"
Now I get:
C:\dev\temp>rake features
(in C:/dev/temp)
Feature: Site Layout  # features/site_layout.feature
  In order to build familiarity
  As a user
  I want to see the application name in the title
  Scenario: On the home page                # features/site_layout.feature:6
    Given I am on the home page             # features/steps/site_steps.rb:1
      No route matches "/" with {:method=>:get} (ActionController::RoutingError)
      features/site_layout.feature:7:in `Given I am on the home page'
    Then the title tag should be "WOW App"  # features/steps/site_steps.rb:10

1 steps failed
1 steps skipped
rake aborted!
A quick addition to config/routes.rb:
map.root :controller => 'example'
And a stub controller from "ruby script\generate controller Example index", I get:
C:\dev\temp>rake features
(in C:/dev/temp)
Feature: Site Layout  # features/site_layout.feature
  In order to build familiarity
  As a user
  I want to see the application name in the title
  Scenario: On the home page                # features/site_layout.feature:6
    Given I am on the home page             # features/steps/site_steps.rb:1
    Then the title tag should be "WOW App"  # features/steps/site_steps.rb:10

2 steps passed

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