We just installed a new wireless router with WPA security (with the last one we were using WEP). My MacBook Pro connected just fine first time. The problem was that whenever I close the lid and reopen, the Airport would not automatically connect, it would ask me which network to connect to.
The surprising solution was to move /Applications/Utilities/System Preferences.app into /Applications/System Preferences.app
Now AirPort reconnects all by itself every time.
So you have an issue when you close the 'lib' of your 'labtop'? Maybe you should go back to using PC's.
ReplyDeleteGreg: Thank you for subtly pointing out my spelling mistake, I've corrected that. I'm happy to say that since that trivial change in November, I've never had another issue with my Airport. It has never dropped connection with the router. When was the last time you had to repair the wireless connection on your PC?